Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP)

What is MAEAP?
The Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program is a voluntary, confidential program that helps farms of all sizes prevent or minimize their agricultural pollution risk.
“MAEAP‘s mission is to develop and implement a proactive environmental assurance program ensuring that Michigan farmers are engaging in cost-effective pollution prevention practices and working to comply with state and federal environmental regulations.“
MAEAP was first developed in 1997 by a coalition of farmers, agencies, and environmental groups to provide education to farms on how to use better management practices to help protect and enhance the quality of the natural resources, locally.
There are four types of MAEAP verification your farm can strive to achieve.
What are the benefits of being verified in the MAEAP program?
MAEAP benefits Michigan farms by:
protecting natural resources using environmentally sound practices.
Having emergency plans ready to deal with the unexpected.
Using proven scientific standards to protect our air, water and soil.
Maximizing natural fertilizer use and reducing use of fertilizers made from fossil fuels.
Making good neighbors.
Helping protect the Great Lakes.
Ensuring safe storage of fuel, fertilizer and chemicals.
Balancing efficient production and sound environmental practices.
Taking care of the land while making a living from the land.
What does the process to become verified look like?
The process to become verified can be broken down into three parts:
Education. The first step to bettering your farm is to attend a MAEAP Phase 1 Course. There you will learn the basics of environmental sustainability on your farm and how to achieve it. Click here to find an upcoming session near you.
Farm-specific risk assessment and implementation. The second step is to work with the MAEAP technician discussing options to address your resource concerns. Working to become MAEAP certified, your farm may rank higher to qualify for financial assistance in the EQIP program.
On-farm verification to ensure the farmer has implemented environmentally sound practices. After being verified, your farm can display a MAEAP sign signifying that MAEAP partners recognize the farm is environmentally assured.
So what’s my next step?
Contact Clinton Conservation District’s MAEAP technician, Eric Bak to explore the next step in getting your farm environmentally certified. Request a free farm visit by emailing or at eric.bak@macd.org or calling the office at (989) 224-3720 ext. 3