Board of Directors
Andrea Polverento, Director and Chair of the Board:
Mrs. Polverento has been on the Board of Directors since 2012. She was raised on 1000+ acre cash crop family farm in Clinton County and still lives there today. She is the Planning Director for Watertown Township and is active in numerous committees and organizations in the County and surrounding areas.
John Schulz, Director and Vice Chair of the Board:
Mr. Schulz was elected in March 2016. He works at Michigan State University with the College of Human Medicine as a Media Coordinator and Educational Technologist. He also has a small farm near Ovid where he has raised chickens, hogs, and cattle and grown corn, soybeans, wheat, and alfalfa. In addition, Mr. Schulz has served as the Clinton County Pheasants Forever Habitat Chair for more than 20 years and participated in numerous NRCS, FSA, DNR, and USFWS programs.
Gary Boersen, Director and Treasurer/Secretary of the Board:
Mr. Boersen was appointed to the Board of Directors in December 2018. He’s retired from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Environmental Stewardship Division. Since retiring from the MDARD he was worked for the USDA-Michigan NASS office and assisted in developing a Strategy for the Development of an Aquaculture Industry in Michigan. He is a member of the Friends of the Maple River and participated with the development of the 319 Watershed Management Plan. He lived in Greenbush Township for 17 years and recently moved to Bath Township.
Brittany Johnson , Director:
Mrs. Johnson was appointed to the Board of Directors in July 2023. She has worked in the MSU Biological Science department, the OSU Aquatic Ecology Lab, the OSU Stream and River Ecology Lab, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, and the Ohio Wildlife Center. In 2008, Mrs. Johnson received her B.S. in Zoology from MSU, with a concentration in ecology, evolution, and organismal biology. Her education includes the opportunity to study abroad in both Panama (Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation) and Kenya (Behavioral Ecology of African Mammals). Currently, Mrs. Johnson is residing with her family on a small hobby farm located in St. Johns.
Jennifer Kiel, Director:
Mrs. Kiel was elected to the Board of Directors in March 2024. She is a Farm Progress editor (20 years) serving Michigan Farmer, Ohio Farmer and American Agriculturist. Prior, she was the communications director for American Farmland Trust, Michigan Agri-Business Association, Michigan Farm Bureau and editor of the Clinton County News and other daily and weekly newspapers. She grew up in Greenbush Township and now lives in the City of St. Johns. She is a Michigan 4-H Foundation Trustee (15 years), serves on the Barn Believers Foundation board and the MAEAP Advisory Committee. She also serves on the Brownfield Development Committee for the City of St. Johns and is on the St. Johns High School Agri-Science, Food & Natural Resources Advisory Committee.